Fair committee contact: >Lori Anne Thorne (506) 512-1208
View delicate handcrafted items while marveling at the best flowers and vegetables from local
gardens. 4-H members exhibit their cattle and horses as we celebrate the region's proud agricultural heritage.
Fair entry forms are available at the NB Agricultural Office (behind the old courthouse),
Main Street, Sussex.
2017 Fair Schedule
Unless otherwise stated, all events take place in the main ring of the Princess
Lousie Park Show Centre, Leonard Drive, Sussex (directly behind the arena). Schedule is subject to change without notice.
A canteen will be available at various times, TBA.
The Kings County Agricultural Fair is a proud tradition in Sussex. Come and
see Canada's longest running exhibition of agricultural pride and skill! Monday, Aug. 21
9 am to 4:30 pm 4-H Shows and events 7 pm Lumberjack
Show Tuesday, Aug. 22 9 am to 9 pm 4-H Shows and events
5:30 pm Parade and awards followed by 7:30 pm Hooves N Hearts and Sussex Tail Waggers show Wednesday, Aug.
23 10 am to 3 pm 10 am Open dairy show 1 pm Peewee show Women's Institute Food and craft display,
Jubilee Hall 6:30 pm Horse pull ($5 admission) Thursday, Aug. 24 11 am to 3 pm Women's
Institute Food and craft displays, Jubilee Hall
* * * *
Know before you go
GPS users: The fair is held at 8 Leonard Drive, Sussex, NB. E4E 5S1
Before you leave home
You are headed to Sussex, in south central New Brunswick, Canada. We are in the centre of
the triangle between the cities of Moncton, Saint John and the New Brunswick capital of Fredericton, and roughly
an hour's drive away from each.
From the west, take the TransCanada Highway to Youngs Cove and Exit 365 before following Route 10
to Sussex.
From the east, you have two solid options. Either follow the TransCanada Highway to Youngs Cove
and Exit 365 and on to Route 10, or you can follow Route 1, and take either Exit 198 (Sussex Corner) or 195 (Four
Corners -- look for the red Frenchy's building or the big black and white cows) into town.
From Maine, US, cross into Canada at St. Stephen/Calais before following Highway 1 (MacKay Highway)
two hours to Sussex at Exit 192.
You may also wish to cross at Houlton, Me./Woodstock, NB and travel east on the TransCanada for approx. 2 hours.
Then turn on to Hwy. 10 at Exit 365 for a further half hour.
Check road conditions in New Brunswick by calling 5-1-1 and entering the route number.
BlueBird Motel, Four Corners, Sussex 433-2557
Fairway Inn, Roachville 433-3470
Timberland Motor Inn and Restaurant, Penobsquis 433-2480
Lone Pine Park Campgrounds and Cabins 45 Lone Pine Rd, Penobsquis 433-4007
Pine Cone Camping, Rte. 114, Sussex 433-4389

* * *

Enjoy other great Sussex area agricultural showcases this fall!
Open Farm Day (Sunday, Sept 21, 2014) is your chance to visit farms and learn about how food is produced on New Brunswick
Featuring traditional harvest activities such as threshing grain, baling straw, pressing apple cider, churning
butter and pulping turnips as the summer's bounty is preserved for the upcoming winter.
See both a horse and dog treadmill in action as all farm residents are called into action at this busy time
of year!